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States and localities have committed at least $1 billion of the funding toward CVI so far, according to an estimate from the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. The Departments of Treasury and Education announced this summer that two buckets of American Rescue Plan funding - $350 billion in flexible state and local funding and $122 billion in school funding - could be used for CVI initiatives.

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This summer, the White House announced a 15-jurisdiction CVI collaborative, a group of mayors, law enforcement, CVI experts and philanthropic leaders who are working over the next 18 months to improve their jurisdictions’ CVI infrastructure and add to the body of evidence supporting these programs. His White House has proposed a multipronged response to a recent spike in violent crime in cities across the country. As president, Biden has promised billions of dollars in funding for community violence intervention, or CVI, programs that have been shown to break cycles of violence by connecting high-risk individuals to wraparound social services. The response from Biden that day stands in contrast to how he talks about gun violence now. “And so for someone like myself and so many others who were burying Black children and Black family members regularly, that has never been a good answer.”

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And I think that too often … there was always a lot of calculus around, is this politically viable?” McBride said.

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“While there was a compassionate acknowledgment of the issue, there was not the political will to place this work front and center in the gun violence conversation. But Biden’s response was one McBride had heard many times before - one he calls deeply painful.

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